Justina Zainab Conteh
Executive Director

The Interim Care Centre is the office that handles all vulnerable children's case histories for temporary protection. Through this office, we also provide psycho-social support to children under our temporary care. We also provide medical service for children that are physically or sexually abused. We finally enroll children under our care into formal educational systems. plus more...
The office of Community Interventions supports by enrolling them into formal and non-formal education institutions across vulnerable communities that we serve. We provide teaching and learning materials to the enrolled children. We provide farmers with tools to help upscale their faming activities. We further provide fertilizers to protect plant yields and to add value to farmers' cultivation and harvest.
The office of Advocacy provides support to girls to help them stay in schools through awareness raising on female hygiene including management of mentrual cycles and reproductive health. We also provide psycho-social support to street and street-connected children using our Drop-In centre as a safe space. We also provide other capacity-building strategies for the strett and street-connected children.